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BVI Rugby Community Rallies to support Kenrick 'Jimmy' Thomas

August 27, 2024

BVI Rugby Community Rallies to support Kenrick 'Jimmy' Thomas

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The spirit of rugby is alive and well in the British Virgin Islands.

When 23-year-old BVI Rugby Football Union (BVI RFU) international Kenrick Thomas (aka ‘Jimmy’) recently received a medical diagnosis that he has a hole in his septum and is in urgent need of immediate expensive heart surgery – the rugby community sprang into action.

Partnering with Jimmy’s CrossFit gym (“Castaway”), the BVI RFU hosted a beach rugby & CrossFit games at Brandywine Beach on Sunday, November 22nd with local corporate sponsors from around the island. The goal – to raise $20,000 for expenses not covered by National Health insurance for the surgery, which is scheduled to take place in Puerto Rico in late January 2021.

[caption width="300" id="attachment_32082" align="alignleft"]

Kenrick Thomas representing BVI against Turks and Caicos recently in a test match[/caption]

“Jimmy’s passion for the game and commitment to BVI Rugby are just a few reasons why the community quickly rallied to support him when he needed it the most,” said Niall Brooks, President of the BVI Rugby Union. "The beach games day clearly demonstrates why Rugby’s “Values” are held so high," he added.

Hundreds of local rugby players and fitness enthusiasts took over the beach for a day of fun, sun and fitness – and with spirits high, the money flowed in support of one of their own.

“I have no doubt that we will reach our fundraising goal in order to ensure Jimmy gets the medical care that he needs,” added Brooks. “I want to say a big thank you to the local sponsors, community and supporters for their generous donations.

[caption width="300" id="attachment_32083" align="alignleft"]

Members of BVI Rugby at the recent beach rugby & CrossFit games at Brandywine Beach on Sunday, November 22nd [/caption]

The BVI Rugby Union also hosted a Christmas dinner fundraiser on Saturday, December 5th, with proceeds also going to Jimmy’s fund.

Note: To date, the GoFundMe page has raised close to US$13,000 and together with the beach games and dinner, the target has been met.


Kenrick Thomas (aka ‘Jimmy’) is a 23-year-old bundle of energy who loves sport and physical exercise. Jimmy was born in the Dominican Republic but raised in the British Virgin Island and attended school at Elmore Stoutt High School in Road Town. He is a sportsperson with experience and extraordinary skills in a vast number of sporting disciplines, including CrossFit, parkour, basketball, volleyball, baseball, boxing, Kung Fu and rugby.

Click the link below to support Kenrick's GoFundMe Account:


[caption id="attachment_32084" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Kenrick Thomas at the beach rugby & CrossFit games at Brandywine Beach on Sunday, November 22nd[/caption]


